"We are all searching for the same thing: a hand to hold and heart to understand. Keep it simple. Smile a lot. Be nice to people. Life is a joy." Terry Bradshaw


Dale Earnhardt

God Took Away A Legend

by Carol Dippre

God took away a legend and broke a lot of hearts,

when that Sunday at Daytona, HE called home Dale Earnhardt.

Dale raced with such precision, his skill could not be beat,

He was the NASCAR driver who kept us on the edge of our seat.

The record-breaking title was never meant to be,

but we will never forget that fast, black Number 3.

He blocked those cars behind him to give his team a chance,

I'm sure as he slid up the track he gave a second glance.

Who knew that his unselfish act would that day seal his fate,

Now he'll look down from Heaven and cheer on Number 8.

No one will ever forget him from fans to commentators,

They'll speak his name for years to come our dear Intimidator.

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