


Arms In The Cockpit


Right of Pilots To Bear Arms In The Cockpit

II. Inductive Argument


A.) Conclusion:


Properly trained pilots must be allowed to bear arms in the cockpit because it is the last line of defense when all else fails.


B.) Reasons:


1. Consensus among pilots is that they be afforded the last chance to protect themselves when at risk of being shot down by an F-16 should their airplane become hijacked by terrorists.

2. Airline pilots often received their initial flight training while serving in our nation's military.  Discipline and responsibility required when carrying a weapon is evident in these brave men and women who pilot our nation's air transport fleet.

3. The significance of allowing pilots to bear arms in the cockpit is heightened by the awareness that terrorists are planning future devastating events involving airplanes.

4. The continued ‘security alerts' officially released by our government prove the point that terrorist acts from foreign threats are here to stay.

5. 2nd Amendment Rights must be protected including “Right of Pilots To Bear Arms in the Cockpit”.


C.) Evidence:


1. Pilots were helpless on the 9-11 flight that brought down the World Trade Center South Tower just as the passengers they were suppose to protect were being murdered by terrorists.

2. Airplanes were used as flying bombs in 9-11 because pilots were helpless in their efforts tostop the acts of terrorism.

3. El Al (Israeli Airlines) longtime usage of armed Sky Marshals have proven be a deterrent to hijacking.”

4. Since the Federal Aviation Administration, in their rule making policy, charges airline pilots with the responsibility to maintain control of all passengers on board their flight, and, if these airplanes are converted by terrorists into  ‘flying bombs', then the pilots must have all means possible to blow out the fuse.

5. Handguns worn by uniformed pilots shall act as a deterrent to terrorism similar to the way handguns worn by uniformed police have been proven to deter or stop criminals. The keyword is uniformed-pilot (or) uniformed police officer acting as a deterrent to crime while carrying a holstered handgun.